CSES - HIIT Open 2024 - Just do it
  • Time limit: 1.00 s
  • Memory limit: 512 MB

Your colleague at Hiitsburgh Inversion Innovation Technologies has come up with the following sorting algorithm:

// Sort an array. Initialize with low = 0 and high = len(array)
algorithm HiitSort(array, low, high)
    if high - low > 1
        pivot <- median(array[low], array[(low + high) / 2], array[high - 1])

        a <- low
        b <- high - 1
            while array[a] < pivot      // (*)
                a <- a + 1
            while array[b] > pivot      // (*)
                b <- b - 1
            if a >= b
                break loop
            swap(array[a], array[b])
            a <- a + 1
            b <- b - 1

        call HiitSort(array, low, a)
        call HiitSort(array, a, high)

Your colleague claims that their algorithm uses only O(nlogn)O(n \log n) comparisons against the pivot in total. You are sceptical of this claim and want to prove them wrong. In particular, you want to find an array of nn distinct elements such that the algorithm makes at least n2/4n^2 / 4 comparison operations against the pivot.

For the purposes of this exercise, we are only interested in the comparisons against the pivot, that is the comparisons executed on lines 9 and 11 of the code above (marked with (*) in the code).

The array is 0-indexed and the division operator rounds down. Function median returns the value that is the median of the three arguments; it does not count towards comparisons.


The input contains a single integer nn, the number of elements in the array.


  • 2n10002 \le n \le 1000


The output contains nn distinct integers from range [1,n][1, n], the array to be sorted.





1 2 3

Explanation: The array takes 77 operations to sort, which is more than 32/4=2143^2 / 4 = 2 \frac{1}{4}.




1 2 4 3 5

Explanation: The array takes 1717 operations to sort, which is more than 52/4=4145^2 / 4 = 4 \frac{1}{4}.